The new YJACK View app is a single platform to remotely display and analyze system readings from you P51-870 Titan Digital Manifold and the YJACK series of products. This video covers the YJACK VIEW’s General Settings.

The new YJACK View app is a single platform to remotely display and analyze system readings from you P51-870 Titan Digital Manifold and the YJACK series of products. This video covers the YJACK View Evacuation Session.

•Details Evacuation Session Type

•Redundant audio at the end of the target vacuum countdown to be removed

•Data logging overview to be removed in combined video (covered in PT session)

This video provides a demonstration of the YELLOW JACKET VIEW Electrical Session App

The new YJACK View app is a single platform to remotely display and analyze system readings from you P51-870 Titan Digital Manifold and the YJACK series of products. This video covers the YJACK VIEW Electrical Session.

The new YJACK View app is a single platform to remotely display and analyze system readings from you P51-870 Titan Digital Manifold and the YJACK series of products. This video covers the YJACK VIEW Charge Recovery Session.

•Details Evacuation Session Type

•Redundant audio at the end of the target vacuum countdown to be removed

•Data logging overview to be removed in combined video (covered in PT session)

YJACK MANO™ for Accurate Pressure Measurements

Take accurate static pressure measurements up to +/- 80 inches of water column with the YJACK MANO™ Wireless Dual Port Manometer 67068 by YELLOW JACKET®. Measure pressure drop across a filter or Total External Static Pressure (TESP) with the included static pressure tips. Measure gas pressure at the regulator inlet and outlets with the 1/8” NPT fitting or slide gas adapter. Use the integrated display to view the system readings or view and analyze all the system measurements with the YJACK VIEW® app. Soft case included for convenient storage of manometer and adapters​.

A demonstration of the RealTorque Core Removal Tool by YELLOW JACKET®.

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